politics is to want something

tirsdag, juli 26, 2005

report on the swedish left

I just added two links on my sidebar to blogs belonging to friends of mine who are active in Swedish social democracy. One of their blogs is in Swedish, the other is bilingual. Both are worth checking out. I'm sure most Hoverbike readers are at least conversational in Swedish, no?

I would also like to invite either or both of them to comment on recent trends in Swedish politics- the lead up to the next national elections there seems quite chaotic... by Swedish standards, at least :).

The strange looking thing to the left, by the way, is the symbol of the Social Democratic Labor Party of Sweden. It is supposed to be rose, though I think you have to be drunk for it to work...


Blogger fredrik said...

Crushed tomato, monkey and closed fist (!) are a few of the things I've heard people compare it to. I'll go with the tomato. But would like a rose.

Thanks for the link!

onsdag, juli 27, 2005 6:53:00 a.m.

Blogger Peter Gustavsson said...

Thanks for the link, Daraka, and hope you're having a great time. By the way, Sweden is not particularly cold right now, the problem is the rest of the year...

To see some comments of recent development in Swedish politics, look at my blog socialdemocracy.blogspot.com, for example the articles "Through the Welfare State to Socialism" and "Persson misses the party". I am too lazy to write something completely new here...

On party logos, I have no problem with tomatoes as a symbol for a political party. Click in to http://international.sp.nl/history.stm, on the web site for the Dutch Socialist Party, and see how they describe why they chose the tomato as their symbol:

"Instead of telling the electorate to vote SP for a better society – nice ideals for a distant future – the party chose a more rational and talked-about position: that of radical and consequent opposition. “Vote against, vote SP” became the provocative slogan. The message being: if you don't agree with current politics, vote for us. Then we can voice your dissent in Parliament. You don't need a majority for that, even one person would do. The new strategy is symbolized by a tomato. Full of healthy vitamins, but also a feared weapon against bad political theatre."

Not very triangulating, but as recent polls are saying that SP is now the third largest party in the Netherlands with about 15 % of the vote they seem to be quite successful anyway.

torsdag, juli 28, 2005 6:50:00 a.m.

Blogger Roger said...

"It is supposed to be rose, though I think you have to be drunk for it to work..."

This might explain the partys (SDLP) more liberal view on alcohol the last couple of years... :-)

søndag, august 14, 2005 1:59:00 p.m.


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