politics is to want something

torsdag, juni 30, 2005

new blog

My friend Matt May has a new blog. It's a political blog with an emphasis on media and textual analysis (Matt's a student of rhetoric). Perhaps a bit more rambunctious and radical than yours truly, but hey, it's all about the dialog. Imagine hoverbike with Marx audioclips. Check it out:

Socialism for Gunslingers


Blogger Bob said...

i just linked to your blog from mine. you better not make me look stupid. start blogging fool! don't you have any opinions on the whole NYT/Time reporter mess. was it karl rove that illegally leaked the info? and if so, should the freedom of the press outweigh our right to know. dammit hoverbike, i need to know these things!

tirsdag, juli 12, 2005 10:37:00 a.m.


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