politics is to want something

onsdag, januar 17, 2007

the state of political journalism...

Criticizing the political analysis over at the San Francisco Chronicle is like sucker punching a toddler, but I can't resist. Today's top story, about the possible horse race between Senators Clinton and Obama is completely laughable. It posits that the two will compete for the support of the party's left, repeating the ultra-conservative claptrap that Clinton is somehow a radical, or even a liberal.

The question here is whether this is intentional spin or just extremely shoddy journalism. Nobody who is a serious observer of the dynamics of the Democratic Party could argue that Clinton has positioned herself as a defender of the "traditional" or "liberal" base of the Party. That's like arguing that Tony Blair is the voice of British Labour socialism.

Read the whole bizarre thing here.


Anonymous Anonym said...

it's definitely not the analysis in the NY Times or the Washington Post. In both there's an analysis of sense of Hillary and Obama fighting for the moderate wing of the party.

onsdag, januar 17, 2007 8:10:00 p.m.

Blogger fredrik said...

When do we get the full report on what Daraka thinks of Barack? Politics, chances, support...

torsdag, januar 18, 2007 7:21:00 a.m.

Blogger daraka kenric said...

When Daraka figures all that out.

torsdag, januar 18, 2007 2:50:00 p.m.

Blogger fredrik said...

When I asked you if Obama was the real deal after his speech on the Democratic National Convention 2004 you said he was. Your current hesitation makes me intereted.

I hope you figure stuff out soon.

fredag, januar 19, 2007 2:04:00 a.m.

Blogger daraka kenric said...

He's the "real deal", I'm just waiting to see what kinds of choices he makes in terms of his campaign. That's the key for me. I think he would be a phenomenal president.


fredag, januar 19, 2007 12:24:00 p.m.

Blogger Siri said...

I just got back from Bondo district, outside Kisumu, Kenya, the district that Obama's father is from. And I can tell you one thing - people here are more interested in the US election than the upcoming Kenyan general election. But no one is talking about politics, its' all about the Luo man, and I'm still trying to figure out what Obama is all about. But I took you up on your recommendations and I'm currently reading his book. Maybe that'll give me a better understanding of the man.

lørdag, januar 20, 2007 11:30:00 a.m.


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