politics is to want something

onsdag, januar 17, 2007

katha pollitt's new year

Katha has a fantastic column in this week's Nation, a highly concise and thoughtful list of "resolutions for liberals". It's available online here.

Some choice bits:

"4. Don't think your lifestyle can save the world. I love slow food! I cook slow food! I shop at farmers' markets, I pay extra for organic, I am always buying cloth bags and forgetting to bring them to the supermarket. But the world will never be saved by highly educated, privileged people making different upscale consumer choices. If you have enough money to buy grass-fed beef or tofu prepared by Tibetan virgins, you have enough money to give more of it away to people who really need it and groups that can make real social change."

"5. Avoid weasel words. Like "spirituality." It's "religion." And "faith"--that's "religion" too. And while you're at it, define your terms. What is a "working family"? What is "the middle class"? Do these phrases mean anything more than "virtuous people entitled to make a moral claim on society"--as opposed to those criminals, drug addicts and welfare moms liberals used to care about? And speaking of liberals, whatever happened to them? And to leftists? How come we're all "progressives" now?"

As you can tell, I especially liked that last part... whatever happened to them indeed...


Anonymous Anonym said...

I like to say that I'm religious but not spiritual, which is not entirely true, but the word "spiritual" can start to sound like nails on a chalkboard.

torsdag, januar 18, 2007 8:23:00 a.m.

Anonymous Anonym said...

I only buy hormone-free, antibiotic-free, grass-fed, free-range, college-educated poultry. Plus I gave away a "Project Red" iPod (you know, the iPod that prevents AIDS) to my sister on our shared spiritual occasion on December 25th. Why am I not saving the world?

torsdag, januar 18, 2007 9:35:00 a.m.

Anonymous Anonym said...

I only buy hormone-free, antibiotic-free, grass-fed, free-range, college-educated poultry. Plus I gave away a "Project Red" iPod (you know, the iPod that prevents AIDS) to my sister on our shared spiritual occasion on December 25th. Why am I not saving the world?

torsdag, januar 18, 2007 9:35:00 a.m.


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