politics is to want something

mandag, juni 05, 2006

election day

So, all the election analysis I wanted to do is going to have to wait for a post-mortem.

But, if you are a Californian and you are reading this, be sure to vote for Phil Angelides for Governor Tuesday June 6th!



Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi Daraka
This is Eiji Takimoto from the Flacks' class last quarter (I don't know if you remember me or not). I somehow found your blog, so I'll just gonna post a few words that I loved your powerful speech/presentation and your passion towards what you believed in.

I'm graduating this quarter and going back to Japan (though I might go to a grad school in South Africa), so I don't think I'll see you in near future but if you are ever gonna come over to Japan, know that my help is always available.

email: ej-houses@hotmail.com

tirsdag, juni 06, 2006 7:35:00 a.m.


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