actually, they are gone because you killed them all
This is the strangest thing I have seen in a long, long time. The business section of today’s Los Angeles times included a unsigned, cryptic 2/3 page announcement/ advertisement that I just can’t get my head around. The ad, as well as the short faux-news broadcast clip that appears on the associated website, assert that California bears, including the symbols on our flag, are leaving the state because of “high taxes, and high business costs.” Yes, that’s right, some PR hack for the business forces who failed in this years special election has started an ad campaign stating that bears (as well as our famous cheese-producing happy cows) are leaving the state because of the lack of progress on worker’s comp reform. Check it out. I didn’t make this up.
It's just hilarious that the right still tries to accuse California - the home of Silicon Freaking Valley - of having an unfriendly business climate. The PPIC debunked this crap once and for all last October...
"A commonly heard theme in recent public debates about California's economic problems is that the state's economy is hostile to the needs of business. As evidence, it is asserted that businesses are leaving the state in droves, taking Californians' jobs. In reality, little is actually known about the trend of out-of-state business relocation. In this issue of California Economic Policy, the authors examine the phenomenon in a more complete context. They find that California does in fact lose businesses and jobs because of relocation, but the effect on employment is negligible."
Nor is CA a high tax state, that's been debunked too. I suspect the Club for Growthers or the Chamber are most likely behind this.
tirsdag, januar 24, 2006 9:48:00 a.m.
yeah, smells like jobspac- but there is no byline or fppc or anything. But I guess technically its not election related.
tirsdag, januar 24, 2006 11:46:00 a.m.
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