politics is to want something

mandag, februar 28, 2005

what kind of person reads hoverbike?

So, I am at that point in bloggerhood in which I obsessively monitor the demographics of my tiny readership. I am proud to say that the ISP that the largest number of readers use is not AOL or Verizon, but the Swedish Social Democratic Party. Pretty cool, yo.

Anyway, here's a breakdown, by country as of today. Right click and chose "View Image" to see details. For some reason, someone from the Islamic Republic of Iran has visited. Don't tell the gub'ment.


Anonymous Anonym said...

that is neat.

mandag, februar 28, 2005 10:24:00 p.m.

Anonymous Anonym said...

Oh... Proof in black on white (or white on blue) that I spend to much time at work surfing the internet. ;-)

/Fredrik (Democratic Socialist by profession and conviction)

tirsdag, mars 01, 2005 1:41:00 a.m.


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